Digital Disruption And Growth

Most people misinterpret the term ‘disruption’ to be a negative one. However, the paradigm shift caused by digital ‘disruption’ has opened up new opportunities for growth and development. Significant technology advancement is gradually transforming the way we live, work and interact with each other which leads to a disruption in the status quo. Companies that are resistant to change and…

Why Digital – First Approach Is A Must

The marketing landscape has evolved and grown abundantly in recent years. With the rise of digital transformation, brands have been paved way to a sea of potential. Without a digital-first approach brands are missing out on huge opportunities to gain more revenue. In this blog, we have broken down the reasons why you absolutely need a “digital first” approach in…

Newsletter Marketing Techniques – The “Social” Edition

Initially when the internet became widely available, everyone loved email. We would get so excited everytime our inbox popped up with a new notification. However, times have changed now. People are wary about trusting unfamiliar emails and are more particular about who they allow in their inbox. Now that social media has taken over the world by storm, one has…

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