5 Reasons Why Cloud Computing Is Best For Your Business

With the growth of digital technologies around the world, companies are constantly trying to innovate and find new ways to make routine tasks simpler. Cloud Computing is one such software that helps in making repetitive tasks much easier. It is an application-based software that stores millions of data on servers that can be accessed through the internet, without any hard disk or pen drives. Cloud computing benefits small scale as well as large scale businesses with its unique features.

The services of cloud computing include storage, databases, networking, software and analytics. The importance of cloud computing in the current era aka the digital era stems from the different advantages it offers such as flexibility, reliability, data recovery, easy access and higher security – the perfect recipe for a company’s business growth.

The Pros of Cloud Computing

Zero maintenance cost

If you’re planning to utilise cloud computing, conduct a thorough analysis and strategize how cloud computing would actually benefit your business. Cloud computing doesn’t involve any set-up costs or maintenance costs which makes it ideal for companies who are planning to store information/ data digitally.


Cloud computing provides businesses with better safety than traditional methods of data storage since they are offered by big companies that have enough resources to improve their security within the organization. Companies that choose in-house data storage are at a risk of data theft whereas companies that are utilising the services of cloud computing can have their data stored in cloud and minimize this risk. It is definitely much safer than storing data in a pen drive or a hard disk.

Team Collaboration

If your business requires teams to collaborate with each other on a large number of tasks on a daily basis, cloud applications are the best. Cloud applications help manage data instantly and enable sharing of information between team members, fast and secure. Some dedicated cloud applications enable multiple users to work on the same file simultaneously in spite of being miles apart. This helps in reducing the time taken to execute tasks and improves team efficiency.

Did You Know?
62% of enterprise infrastructure is already cloud-based.

Minimize Capital Expenditure

Cloud computing helps in reducing the capital expenditure and overhead expenses of your business. Cloud storage offers higher storage limits than any hard drives or servers. Cloud computing is often less expensive and labour intensive for companies. Businesses can achieve ROI much sooner since the infrastructure is managed by cloud providers.

Reduction in carbon footprint

In today’s world the “need to go green” has become a real concern due to the erratic change in climatic conditions. With all of the recent buzz about cloud computing, companies have learned that by switching to cloud services, they can gain flexibility and scalability while simultaneously cutting costs. A survey conducted by Accenture revealed that cloud computing has a substantial impact on carbon emissions and companies can lessen their carbon footprint per individual by 30% to 90% by moving to cloud services.

In today’s competitive world, companies are always trying to stay ahead of the curve and cloud computing helps companies to improve their efficiency, productivity, overall performance and accelerate their business growth.

“Cloud computing is the third wave of the digital revolution” – Lowell McAdam

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