5 Steps To Excel Cross Platform Marketing

Today’s consumers have more power than ever before. The rise of internet technologies has enabled them to carry out any interaction with their favorite brand at the tap of a button. These changes have led customers to expect a consistent brand experience irrespective of the channel. Therefore, a single channel approach is not enough to give your audience a holistic and seamless experience. To win your audience, your customer experience needs to be more comprehensive and personalized for each audience segment. With cross-channel marketing, you can take every touchpoint into account, optimize every customer interaction along every step of your customer’s journey with your brand. Before we dive deeper into creating a cross-platform strategy, let’s understand

What is cross-platform marketing?

Cross-channel marketing helps create a more cohesive customer journey for your audience. It is a digital, strategic, and customer-focused approach that helps create a holistic and seamless customer journey for your target audience. Thinking with a full-funnel approach will maximize the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns and create a synergistic feel across channels.

5 easy steps to master cross-channel marketing strategy

1. Leverage Data-driven decision making

In order to develop a successful cross-channel campaign, data-driven decision making is crucial. Understanding who your target audience is, what platforms they use etc. helps you craft tailor-made strategies that drive them to take actions. Identify your target audience’s patterns and behaviors and create customized marketing strategies for each platform to boost conversions.

2. Create Buyer Persona’s

Based on audience insights, you can build comprehensive audience profiles and evaluate your target audience’s motivation and shopping habits, and get a better idea of what and who they are already engaging with. By combining both aggregate and individual consumer data, you can uncover patterns and commonalities between groups, allowing you to identify segments within your audience. These insights can be used to drive future sales and improve your business’s performance.

Did You Know
Targeting customers based on buyer persona helps increase customer engagement by almost six-fold (Source)

3. Align content with specific buyer journey

No two customers are at the same place in their buyer journey. Once you understand your customer’s stage in their buyer journey, you can target them with highly personalized ads. Sometimes people need a little nudge to complete their sale and targeting them on multiple platforms will help them take the desired action much faster.

4. Optimize marketing funnel

Each stage of the funnel represents your audience’s state of mind. Some people know exactly what they want and just need the right offer to make the purchase decision. Others might not be sure about what they want and need the right pitch to motivate them. With today’s technological advancements facilitating real-time marketing, you can target your audience at the right time and boost sales much easier. Shifting the focus from transactions to relationships will help you optimize your funnel further and build a loyal set of audience.

5. Measure your efforts

Tracking results is important for any campaign but it’s extremely crucial with cross-platform campaigns. You need to analyze metrics of all platforms to form a cohesive picture of how the campaign went and what you could change next time. This helps you to understand ROI, paid campaign results, organic reach etc. Based on the metrics, you can understand what works best for your audience and target accordingly.

By leveraging cross-channel marketing, not only will you be able to execute powerful marketing strategies, but by unifying data and metrics you’ll also have more meaningful insights into your customer’s behavior. Click here to know more about how we can help scale your business with a winning cross-channel campaign.

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